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ShedQuarters Commissioned to Build New Art Project

The woodworking group and the craft group are working on an exciting project. The Shed has been approached by an eminent artist Mel Brimfiel who as asked us to be involved in an art project that she has been commissioned to produce. Of course we said yes.

Mel has been asked by the National Psychosis Unit, at Bethlem Royal Hospital to produce an art work around the theme of mental health, loneliness and isolation. She has asked Sheds from around England and Wales to produce chairs. They will be normal size chairs with a hole for a speaker in the middle of the seat (with the tendency of the Welsh to give everything a nickname, they are known as “commodes”). We have been asked to produce two chairs, one will be plain the other will be upholstered with a made up patchwork cloth. Shed members will be recorded and their voices and stories will come from their chairs.

The design of the patchwork is called the “Courthouse Steps” since we meet at the Court house. It will also be embroidered with our name “Shedquarters” and the symbol of “7777” Between the design the “Courthouse Steps” and the 7777 which signifies “The old parish” the nickname for Measteg. Those in the know will know where the chair came from.

The art work will go on display in the Kelham Island Industrial Museum, Sheffield, the Chapter Arts Center, Cardiff and The Tetley in Leeds during 2020.