Join the Camera Club - Any Phone or Camera will do
Make a bowl perhaps?
Learn the Drums, or Come & Play
Learn or Play Along with us
Make a Waistcoat with John

A few of us met on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming bid for grant money to secure ShedQuarters for the next two years.

At the meeting were John, Roger, Les, Colin and Mark.

We discussed the accounts format and what is required by the funders. Also we need to project our ins and outs for the next year, at least. A simple Excel sheet will be used initially, but an accounting package will be required at a later date, especially if we are successful in receiving public funding.

We also talked about possible projects, including repair/refurbish and sell, instrument making and manufacturing of other items, to sustain our income and secure ShedQuarters for the future.

Mark requested the ShedQuarters Constitution, which will be posted on the website within the next couple of days. We also need club rules and more organisers/officers for the web site contact list. Any volunteers?

Public liability insurance was discussed, if we are going to be using tools, this will have to be tagged onto the building public liability or obtained separately for ShedQuarters.

To this end we will have to draw up a list of tools and equipment required to get these projects under weigh.

If you have any ideas on how to make money for our Shed or just some fun projects or trips out, please tell us at the next two meetings, as the bid has to be in by the 12th July.

If you want to write articles that are relevant to our Shed or the Men's Shed Association, please contact Mark on 07896 621429 to get a log in and access to the article creation help videos.